Path to Eagle

The 12 Steps from Life to Eagle

The following 12 steps have been outlined to ensure a smooth procedure for the Scout, the unit leadership, the local council, and the volunteers who are to conduct the board of review. Eagle candidates should share these steps with their unit leader so that they can fully understand the procedures that must be followed. The following are guidelines for Life to Eagle rank. For more specific information, please contact your district advancement chair.

The decision must be unanimous. If the candidate meets the requirements, the Scout is asked to return and is informed that he or she will receive the board’s recommendation for the Eagle Scout rank. If the candidate does not meet the requirements, he or she is asked to return and told the reasons for the failure to qualify. A discussion should be held with the candidate as to how the Scout may meet the requirements within a given period.

Should the applicant disagree with the decision, the appeal procedures should be explained. A follow-up letter must be sent to the Scout confirming the agreements reached on the action(s) necessary for the advancement. If the Scout chooses to appeal, the board should provide the name and address of the person or persons to contact. (See “Appealing a Decision” in the Guide to Advancement 2019.

Only the Eagle Scout Rank Application is forwarded to the National Eagle Scout Service.

For more information, go to the BSA National Council website.

Eagle Scout Workbook


Eagle Application