
History of the TroopS

On August 28, 1945 a group of men set out to organize a troop after the session of Memorial Park Community Church approved the sponsorship on July 15, 1945.  Our Troop 329 came under the jurisdiction of the Allegheny Council and was part of the Guyasuta District.  Dues were $1 per year, half of which was for a subscription to Scouting magazine.  George Grelsinger was the first Scoutmaster and the troop met in the basement of the old church (which is now the North Park Baptist Church on Sample Road.)  Records indicate the Troop also met at Peebles Fire Hall and was sponsored by a “Group of Citizens” in the early years.  Our second Scoutmaster, Mr. Houlahan excelled at scouting and was a very proficient Scoutmaster.  It has been said that everyone raved over his meatloaf, even the scouts. His secret was he made it with cornflakes instead of bread crumbs.  When Mr. Houlahan was transferred out of town, Mr. McFarland kept the troop running until Mr. Houlahan’s return.  

The first Eagle Scout was Elmer (Bert) Philippi on August 4, 1947.  Records show Bert was active in scouting, becoming senior patrol leader and eventually Assistant Scoutmaster in 1948.  

On August 7, 1949, the troop began meeting at Hubbard Reservation (now a part of Wildwood Country Club).  In 1951, Walter A. Clark served as our Scoutmaster.  

In 1952, Albert Grimes served as Scoutmaster.  The troop started meeting at Memorial Park Church on November 30, 1952, and has continued to meet there since.  Jack Schlarman and Charles Muecklisch were Scoutmasters from 1956-1957 and 1957-1959, respectively.  In 1959, Al Grimes returned as Scoutmaster.  At this time, troop membership has been fairly static at around 20 boys for several years.  On June 1, 1959, the Troop became part of Admiral Perry District.  

In 1962, the troop gained five members with Don Ross as the new Scoutmaster.  In 1963, John Douglas became Scoutmaster, a post which he held until 1976.  During his tenure, the troop grew to include 123 boys and eight Assistant Scoutmasters.  There were upwards of 30 troop committee members at the peak.  During the completion of the new church building, we were the strongest troop in the District.  During these years, the troop held an outdoor session once a month, rain or shine.  From 1959 to 1979, the troop attended camp at Semiconon, occupying two groves with over 90 scouts and leaders.  During the 1960s, light bulb sales were the biggest fundraising activity.  Residents of the surrounding areas came to expect the boys and wait to buy their light bulbs.  

From 1977-1979, Fred Martindale was the Scoutmaster.  There were 50 boys active on campouts and they still camped at Semiconon in the summer.  They went on trips to Washington, Annapolis, and Assateague. Bill Halkovitch became Scoutmaster until 1982 when he was transferred to Japan.   Larry Cummins became Scoutmaster in Bill’s absence who continued similar outings.  

In 1984, our current Scoutmaster, Paul Wain, began his tenure.  Paul had been with the troop since 1970, rising through the ranks from Scout to Eagle.  As an adult, he served in various adult leadership positions.  He has attended countless camping trips, outings, and troop meetings. He serves in several leadership roles for the Laurel Highlands Council and is a member of Peebles District Volunteer Fire Company.    

In 2020, he was a founding charter member of bringing Troop 9329 to fruition.