Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What does it mean to join scouting? Joining scouting means that you will take part in a growing community of millions of individuals that believe in the scout oath and motto. We believe in building, supporting, and maintaining a strong community.

Q:  Why is the “S” in TroopS capitalized? Troop 329 is a male troop and 9329 is a female troop.  The  capital "S" at the end of TroopS represents the unity of our two groups.  

Q: Can I visit a TroopS 329 & 9329 before committing? Absolutely! We encourage anyone who is interested in exploring Scouts to join us during one of our regular Monday meetings starting at 7:00 p.m. at Memorial Park Church.   If you are planning to attend, please contact us to ensure we are meeting that evening and that it’s a traditional TroopS meeting and not a Court of Honor.

Q: Who can join TroopsS 329 or 9329? Cub Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light Rank and are at least 10 years old, or who have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10 years old are eligible to join.   Any youth between the ages of 11 and 17 who did not participate in Cub Scouts can also join TroopS 329 or 9329. 

Q: Can girls join? Absolutely!  Troop 329 is the boys’ troop and Troop 9329 is the girls troop.  Although technically separate troops, we act as one unit and do most of our activities together.  

Q: Can my child participate in other activities in addition to Scouting? Yes! We believe that a well-rounded Scout makes the best Scout. Many of our scouts participate in varsity sports, band, youth groups, and other activities. A general rule of thumb is if you can attend at least half of the scouting events and meetings, you’ll get a lot out of the program. 

Q:  How much does it cost? Each year the TroopS evaluate the costs to families.  We must pay the Laurel Highlands Council dues for every member of the TroopS plus cover costs of merit badges earned and replacing TroopS equipment available for Scouts to use.  For the 2025 Scouting year, dues were $230.  Scouts also pay per campout and outing they attend.  These generally range from $25-$65 per weekend.  Summer camp is an additional cost set by Laurel Highlands Council.  Scouts can choose which campouts or outings that fit into their schedule.  

Q: Do you offer fundrasiers?  In recent years, the TroopS have participated in the traditional popcorn sale and holiday greens (wreath, garland, etc.)  We currently have an opening for a fundraising chairperson and would welcome other ideas for fundraising!  

Q: Do I have to participate in fundrasiers?  All fundraisers are voluntary.  Families can fundraise as much or as little as they wish to cover the cost of scouting.  

Q: How often do you have campouts?  Generally, we have one campout a month.  In the summer months, the TroopS attend summer camp each year.  We alternate years in attending larger activities such as the Philmont trip, the National Jamboree, canoe trips, etc.  

Q:  Do I need to purchase a uniform?  If your Cub Scout purchased the tan top and green bottoms, you have the majority of the uniform!  Scout socks are also needed for when Scouts need to be in full Class A uniform.  The TroopS will supply a neckerchief once the youth reaches the first Advancement rank of Scout.  

Q: Do I need to buy a Scout Handbook?  Your registration fee covers the cost of the Scout's guidebook.  This book is important to keep track of as it contains important information about how to earn each rank advancement and tracks which requirements the Scout has completed.  It is advised to purchase a carrying case for the Scout's book.  

Q: Why do the Scouts and adults shake with their left hand?  It's not just us!  It's a Scout thing!  Scouts shake hands with their left hand because it is considered the hand closest to the heart, signifying friendship and trust when greeting another Scout.